Sunday, April 25, 2010

As The World Turns

As The World Turns
Paraguay suspends due process to combat kidnappers
Lawmakers gave Paraguay's president and army emergency powers resembling martial law Saturday to pursue a guerrilla group known for its kidnappings in the north of the country.
Full story
This isn't good - suspending due process is always a bad idea.

More than 80 schoolgirls have fallen ill in three cases of mass sickness over the past week in northern Afghanistan, raising fears that militants who oppose education for girls are using poison to scare them away from school, authorities said Sunday.
South Korean minister: Torpedo likely sank warship
An explosion from a torpedo likely sank a South Korean warship that went down near the tense border with North Korea last month, the South's defense minister said Sunday amid growing speculation Pyongyang may be behind the blast.
Brazilian judge orders boy returned to Houston father
For the second time in four months, a judge has ordered a Brazilian to relinquish custody of a child to his American father.

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