Thursday, April 8, 2010

Biological brothers find each other across the street after 30 years

Stephen Goosney, 29, and Tommy Larkin, 30, born a year-and-a-half apart, were both adopted and always knew they were missing vital pieces of their lives. But little did they know they have spent the past seven months living almost directly across the street from each other in Corner Brook, in western Newfoundland.

In fact, they've been on the same street for more than two years - Larkin changed residences seven months ago. It had to be one of the easiest unions to arrange in adoption history - Larkin just had to look out his living room window, wait for his brother to come home, make the call and invite him over.

"She gave me his name and asked me four or five times if I knew him," Larkin said, referring to the adoption agency worker who assisted his search. "I said I didn't, and she kept asking me, if I was sure I haven't met him."

Then, as he was pacing the living room, talking on the phone, he was given the address. "I said: 'No ... I am looking at the house right now,'" Larkin said. Unfortunately, Goosney was out of town, and they didn't meet until the next day.

"It was a good feeling, knowing there was actually someone looking for me, too," Goosney said, describing the reunion as "overwhelming." "It's been good. We have been seeing each other pretty much every day, just hanging out and trying to catch up," he said.

Despite living across the street from each other, the two don't remember seeing or speaking to each other. There has been no shortage of conversation ever since though. The brothers say they had an instant connection, facilitated by the fact they have so much in common.

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