Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bring on the Pelicans!

From Treehugger:
photo pelicans eat carp 
Credit: Bill Rudden.
It seems pretty likely that Asian carp are bound to make it into the Great Lakes, some day, some way. A six-week search for the monster fish recently failed to turn up any of the despised carp, despite DNA evidence of their presence. But the fish are already in Illinois rivers that lead to the lakes. And even with an upgraded electronic barrier, or the closing of Chicago-area locks, the fish are bound to get into Lake Michigan sooner or later, possibly with human intervention. Maybe that's pessimism. But here's some optimism: We could always turn to pelicans if the lakes become crowded with carp. The big-billed birds seem to love 'em.
Article continues: Asian Carp Solution for the Great Lakes? Bring on the Pelicans!

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