Sunday, April 11, 2010

Do you recognize this man?

A mother returning home from work was attacked by a man who Missouri City police say either followed the victim home or was just waiting here for the right opportunity.

The victim says she was returning home from work to her Missouri City apartment at about 11:30pm on Easter when a masked man attacked her as she was trying to get out of her car. She says he demanded her purse.

She says the man dragged her out of the car and beat her before grabbing her purse and running to a truck waiting with a getaway driver nearby.

Detectives have released this sketch made from details the victim provided.

She says it was dark, but she could tell he is heavy set, dark skinned and about 5 feet 10 inches tall. He was wearing a mask.

Investigators hope someone can take a good look at the mouth and the eyes and identify the suspect.

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