Tuesday, April 20, 2010

For Sale: Naming Rights to Newly Discovered Species

animal naming rights graphic
Once biologists started figuring out that their discoveries could get a lot of attention riding the coattails of a famous namesake, they began to get quite creative with taxonomy. As a result, there's a myriad of new species named after fictional characters, actors, musicians, and politicians--from the Calponia harrisonfordi ant and the Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi spider, to a species of orange-colored lichen named in honor of Barack Obama. But now, in hopes of raising funds to continue research, scientists in Indonesia have begun granting the rights to name newly discovered species to the highest bidder. So, while you may never rub shoulders with celebrities, a species bearing your name could run with a star-studded crowd--if you have the cash.
Article continues: For Sale: Naming Rights to Newly Discovered Species

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