Friday, April 30, 2010

Get ready for the next repugican lie to defend the banks: The checkbook tax

The next lie that the repugicans will be using to defend Wall Street against reform has been revealed.

From Greg Sargent via McJoan:
The Democrats supporting the current legislation have assured an anxious electorate that whatever funds are used to create whatever regulatory scheme created will come from the banks, not the taxpayers. Let me emphasize that so that even casual readers will catch it: the Democrats promise that you won’t pay for their legislation, banks will.


Since when have corporations ever paid taxes, fees or penalties? Employees end up paying in the form of lower salaries and benefits. Customers end up paying in the form of higher costs.

And in this case, every account holder will be forced to pay higher fees on their checking account and savings account. That’s you, my friendly reader. Can you say “checkbook tax”? I can, and I think lots of candidates will be saying it come November.
You'll be surprised to hear that it too is a lie. 
(Not - surprised that is)

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