Friday, April 23, 2010

In Matters Of Health

In Matters Of Health

Nearly 4 million face health care penalty

Many mostly middle-class Americans will be fined after the health care law kicks in.
Deadly Airborne Fungus is Killing People in Oregon
 Airborne Fungus is Killing People in Oregon</a>
A deadly, airborne new strain of fungus has emerged in Oregon. It has killed nearly one out of four known affected people so far and might also attack animals ranging from dogs to dolphins. And it is likely to spread, researchers now warn.

The new strain known as VGIIc of the fungus Cryptococcus gattii not only targets humans but has also proven capable of infecting dogs, cats, alpacas, sheep and elk. Other strains have even infected porpoises.

Although it can spread to mammals, it does not jump from animal to animal. Instead, people and other animals get it from inhaling spores released by samples of the fungus that infect trees.

Exceptions to five common health rules

Eating lots of leafy veggies and getting exercise by swimming are great choices for most people. 

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