Monday, April 19, 2010

Interesting In General

Interesting In General
eltanin antenna photo  
Oceanographic researchers photographed a strange object, 3 miles beneath the waves.
In 1964, while trolling the depths to photograph the ocean floor, the crew of the oceanographic research ship USNS Eltanin made a startling discovery in the waters near Antarctica. Amid the countless prints of vast terrain 13,500 feet beneath the waves, one picture contained something that no one could imagine: what appeared to be a large antenna, anchored to the seabed. News of the object spread quickly, as did theories of its origins. Some thought it fell off a ship or was placed there by the Soviets, while others insisted that it was extraterrestrial--but the answer turned out to be much closer to home.
Article continues: How Nature's Deep Sea 'Antenna' Puzzled the World

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