Thursday, April 29, 2010

Interesting In General

Interesting In General

58-year-old pitcher makes college team

Poor grades prevented Larry Hasenfaus from playing college baseball 40 years ago.

The most influential people you don't know

Amid the Bill Clintons and Lady Gagas on the annual "Time 100" list are some intriguing new names.
Rats to Bunnies
island rabbits photo  
Photo: Reuters via the Daily Mail
Four years ago, the tiny Scottish island of Canna had a rat problem. The invasive pests were relentless, threatening the island's native bird colonies and other local wildlife. So, in 2005, the island's 20 residence called in rat-killing experts for help. Around two years and nearly a million dollars later, Canna is rat-free--but their troubles still remain, albeit in a slightly cuter form. As it turns out, the invasive rats were the one thing damping down the island's invasive rabbit population. Without the rats, a bunny-boom has occurred on the island and residents are fed up.
Article continues: Island Once Overrun by Rats Now Buried in Bunnies

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