Saturday, April 10, 2010

It's The Economy Stupid

It's The Economy Stupid
Gallup poll: It's the economy, stupid. Again
Not that it's much of a surprise though. Turning things around is not an easy process. Remember, it took decades of repugican 'policies' to make such a mess and it won't change overnight. There are positive signs out there but this is not an economy that will improve quickly.
Fifty-seven percent of registered voters say the economy will be extremely important to their vote for Congress this year, making it the top issue in the 2010 elections. Healthcare, unemployment, and the federal budget deficit rank behind the economy in importance, with the environment the least important of the seven issues tested in the March 26-28 USA Today/Gallup poll.
Why ‘Obamanomics’ is working
Polls say the economy is heading in the wrong direction. Markets say it's back on track. This time, the markets are right. How did Obamanomics help turn things around?

Inside Nicolas Cage's money pit

The debt-ridden star lost his $11 million mansion to foreclosure, but the bank can't even sell it.  

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