Friday, April 30, 2010

It's The Economy Stupid

It's The Economy Stupid

Businesses that bucked the recession

A pharmaceutical giant grew its profits 65% in the terrible economy, but another firm did 614%.  
Economy grew at annual rate of 3.2% in first quarter

The United States economy continued to expand in the first quarter, but economists cautioned that the pace of growth is still not nearly fast enough to recover ground lost during the recession.

National output grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.2 percent last quarter, the Commerce Department reported Friday, after growth of 5.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2009 and 2.2 percent in the third quarter.

The steady growth has quelled fears that the downturn is not quite over.

“It’s been a case of, when will they stop worrying and learn to love the boom?” said Robert Barbera, chief economist at ITG, who said that many economists have been too hesitant to acknowledge the steady recovery because the job market is still weak.
I'm just guessing here but I believe people will love the boom when the jobs are back.

Tomorrow's real estate trouble spots

The housing crisis is expected to get worse in these cities, where buying a home could be a gamble. 

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