Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's Only The Environment After All

It's Only The Environment After All

Most polluted cities in America

One particularly polluted metro area gets low marks in three categories from the American Lung Association. 5 worst 

Fun and stylish ways to use less gas

Eco-friendly features can co-exist with head-turning looks and plenty of oomph.  

Controversial wind farm gains approval

After years of lawsuits, a plan to build 130 windmills off Cape Cod may become reality.  

New oil leak found at sunken rig site

Officials now say as much as 5,000 barrels of crude is gushing into the Gulf each day.
Photo via Nature
The Pentagon has already made it well known that it considers climate change a grave national security threat, and recently the US military already pointed out that the world may face severe oil shortages as soon as 2015. But now, in what's being hailed as an "unprecedented" show of support for climate action, 33 retired US military generals and admirals have united to alert the public and our legislators that "climate change is making the world a more dangerous place." They should know -- they've seen its effects firsthand. Here's their full announcement:
Article continues: 33 US Military Generals, Admirals: "Climate Change is Threatening America's Security"

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