Friday, April 23, 2010

Lemon balm

Lemon balm vinaigrette
Mix the following ingredients in a small bowl: 1 tbsp minced shallots, 2 tbsp minced lemon balm, 1/2 tsp lemon zest, 6 tbsp fresh lemon juice, 1 tsp Dijon mustard, 4 tbsp white wine vinegar, and 1 tsp brown sugar. Slowly blend in up to 8 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil.
It's a herb related to mint, and it smells a lot like lemon. Lemon balm is believed to have a stress-reducing effect, and if you rub the leaf and take a whiff of the scent, you'll immediately know why — it's such a peaceful, happy smell, a bit more cozy than lemongrass but not as pungent as lemon verbena. Lemon balm is native to Europe in the Middle Ages, and even back then it was thought to be a calming agent. The leaves can also act as a mosquito repellent and are antibacterial. Lemon balm is great in tea or as a garnish to meat or a salad.

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