Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Anti- health care reform advocate threatens to kill Democrat Senator Murray, hopes Obama is assassinated
The repugicans own this death threat.
They've escalated the rhetoric to the point where repugicans are convinced that our country is being given over to the Soviets. It's turning people into haters, and now killers. Which isn't very surprising - when you take people who are uneducated and impressionable, and a bunch of "leaders" tell them that the Democrats are dismantling "America," a number of those people snap.
In several other vulgar and profanity-laced messages left over the next week, the caller repeatedly threatened the Democratic senator's life and said he "hopes somebody kills" President Obama as well, according to portions of transcripts in the complaint.
The agent notes the timing of the threats corresponded to the passage of the health-care bill and in several of the messages, the caller "expressed his strong disapproval for the health-care reform legislation, and the fact that Senator Murray voted in support of the bill."
Repugican candidate Allen West says "You've got to make the fellow scared to come out of his house".
Florida repugican candidate Allen West, a wingnut candidate, was stoking the flames of vengeful rhetoric when he told an audience of Tea Partiers that they needed to get in the face of Rep. Ron Klein (D-Fla.) and make him scared to come out of his house. With the climate of death threats and gun-toting Tea Party activists permeating the air---his words were rather foolish at the very least.
Last night in Jupiter, Fla., repugican candidate Allen West told "tea party" activists that they needed to do more to get accountability from Rep. Ron Klein (D-Fla.).
"Let me tell you what you've got to do," said West, a retired lieutenant colonel. "You've got to make the fellow scared to come out of his house. That's the only way that you're going to win. That's the only way you're going to get these people's attention."
Local Democrats, who obtained a video of the speech, are piling on West for the remarks -- one in a string of combative statements he's made about Democrats. "West and his mentor Sarah Palin are shamefully stoking violent language and symbolism that threatens the safety of our leaders and public officials," Broward County Democratic Chair Mitch Ceasar said in a statement. (Palin has endorsed West.) "The hard working people of South Florida know that inciting people with extreme and violent language sometimes leads to far more violent and monstrous acts."
When I reached West, he called out Democrats for "cutting and pasting and taking out of context." He was referring, he said, to the way Klein failed to respond to his constituents, who'd been unable to meet him in his office or in town halls to talk about the health-care bill. He wasn't encouraging tea partiers to chase Klein down.
See, he's just looking for a little accountability. I think he could demand that without the fear tactics. Oh, and of course we're all part of the "New Black Panther Party," in his eyes.
"If the Democrats want to play this game, that's fine," West said. "If you look at the Code Pink folks, the SEIU, the Acorn crew -- if you look at the intimidation tactics of the New Black Panther Party, I think you'll see that the Democrats have more to answer for than the tea parties. I have not seen any tea party people carrying nightsticks outside of polling places."
Code Pink really has the repugicans scared these days. Actually, the wingnuts just need a new scapegoat to target. These pink-wearing ladies often protest Democrats as much as Repugicans and they sure are intimidating, aren't they? I'm hoping Breitbart sends in James O'Keefe to try and infiltrate the group.

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