Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Typical Wingnut

The repugicans have now given up Patriotism  
For 8 years, the repugicans waved their flags and passed laws with names like the "Patriot Act". 
Now that they are no longer in power repugicans are openly wishing for the president to fail. 
Repugicans are talking about states seceding from the country. Where is all that patriotic talk now? 
Like fiscal responsibility, the repugicans have now abandoned patriotism.
The reason we are in this crisis is because the repugicans went on a drunken spending binge. 
Now that the party is over the repugicans are running out of the bar without paying their tab. 
Repugicans need to take responsibility instead of heckling Obama while he cleans up their mess.

"There's something ugly in the air...For the first time in history the barbarians have breached the citadel; to have Barack Obama in the White House is the cultural equivalent of electing Madonna to the papacy."
    ~ David P. Goldman,     
 Did David P. Goldman just say "No niggers in the White House?"
 Methinks he did.

Repugicans try to deflect attention from bondage-themed, lesbian sex story
It's not working!

Liars and Fools
christian cabal says Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Michigan) is a traitor just like Benedict Arnold and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. 
They're idiots who think some disembodied sky fairy is real so who cares what they say.

Un-American anti-Family Assholes' Bryan Fischer hopes Americans will violently revolt against the "tyranny of a repressive central government"
Ain't gonna happen ...  violently throwing off the tyranny of a repressive group like yours, however ...

It's Faux News - Nuff Said.
The religio-wingnuts are boycotting the rnc over Michael Steele's lesbian bondage scandal
From CNN:
The head of an influential social conservative organization urged members and supporters Wednesday to stop donating to the Republican National Committee and instead contribute to its own coffers or to candidates with like-minded goals.

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, made the plea in his "Washington Update" column posted on the organization's Web site following the revelation that the RNC paid for a night out at a risque Hollywood nightclub.

"I've hinted at this before, but now I am saying it -- don't give money to the RNC," Perkins said in his column. "If you want to put money into the political process, and I encourage you to do so, give directly to candidates who you know reflect your values.

"Better yet, become a member of FRC Action and learn about the benefits it offers, including participating in the FRC Action PAC which can support candidates who will advance faith, family and freedom," he said.

Perkins is the latest social conservative leader to openly criticize RNC Chairman Michael Steele for allowing the controversial expenditure to happen under his watch.

Former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pennsylvania, and Penny Nance, the head of Conservative Women for America, both publicly questioned Steele's leadership this week.
My, my what a surprise - when there's bondage up pops Santorum.

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