Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
The media wants you to believe that teabaggers are toothless hillbillies.
  This is a very sophisticated crowd.
~ Michelle Bachmann (retard-batshit crazy)    
Yes, a very 'Sophisticated Crowd' indeed!

More evidence that NAZIs don't like to be called NAZIs

 My gawd, don't let the truth out, the wingnuts will go crazy ... wait, they already are - never mind, let the truth be proclaimed from the mountaintop!

True Dat!

OK, the Thorazine shots begin immediately, enough is enough!

Liars and Fools
WingNutDaily hack on Faux's Handjob says "We're looking at an attempted socialist coup d'etat in Washington, DC".
Again a moron doesn't know what 'socialist' means and the coup d'etat was aborted in November 2008 with the ouster of the cabal.

Faux's Glen Brick says Obama administration wants network "silenced".
No, we (the entire world) want it silenced.

Wingnuts dismiss wingnut 'Patriot' group's threats to governors as harmless hyperbole.
Just what the NAZIs said in 1929 about their threats to the German government - how'd that turn out?

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