Friday, April 9, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Liars and Fools
Faux's Glen Brick says America is "on the eve of destruction" and "will be destroyed if we don't turn our ways".
Barry McGuire said the same thing back in the sixties only thing is he was correct then warning us about people like Glen Brick

Faux's Steve Doozy and  Newt Gingrich (reptile-Georgia) falsely accuse Obama of a "scheme" to seize 401(k) assets.
Well from someone named 'doozy' and someone named after something that crawls under rocks what did you expect?

Fox News on U.S.-Russia nuclear pact: Cue the mushroom cloud.
Oh, that is so kindergarten, morons.

Faux's Glen Brick says Obama "knows how to sell" Marxism "with a happy face".
Learn of what you speak before you speak there Glenny boy - knowledge of what Marxism is would help enormously.

Lush Dimbulb lies: Obama "has done a great job of undermining our national defense".
Oh, really? There hasn't been a successful attack on this nation under President Obama.

Faux's Glen Brick pushes bogus "evidence of socialism" in Obama's policies.
Again learn what socialism is first you demented moron.

Faux's Glen Brick says America is on "the exact same trajectory" as the Soviet Union just before its collapse.
Nope. Not even close -  we were for eight years, but that all ended on the first Tuesday in November of 2008

If by "grassroots" you mean corporate network sponsorship, then, yes

Thers, over @ whiskey fire, says it all about the tea baggers (w/quite a lot of biden-esque language thrown in):

Of course, having an entire fucking news network plugging your bullshit sure does fucking help with the "getting attention" thing, no matter how "talented" you might be otherwise, and I think we all know what that means. shit.

I wax fucking nostalgic.

Back in ought-two & ought-three, I went to antiwar protests in NYC and DC. and there were lots of people there -- six times as many as ever bothered with any fucking tea party bullshit. These protests were sponsored by Answer, a group I still know nothing and give less of a shit about, as did/do 99% of the people who showed up at that shit.

At the risk of generalizing, and fuck you for giving me shit about generalizing, the 99% of us who went to those antiwar protests knew two things, namely, (1) the Iraq war was a fucking stupid idea, and (2) protesting it by marching wouldn't fucking stop it or even fucking slow it down.

But what the hell else was there to do? Or, to be more precise, where the hell else was there the public space to say that the war was fucked? …

And that's what kills me about the tea baggers. They have a major news network behind them. They drive the agenda of one of the major American political parties. They have the infrastructure of, well, this sort of shit:

Specifically in Washington,, the group founded by former house speaker Dick Armey (r-texas), is holding a 9 a.m. “liberty summit” at the Ronald Reagan building amphitheater and a 6 p.m. rally at the Washington monument. in between, the group plans to lobby members of congress. A promotional bus tour called the tea party express also plans an event on Boston on April 14 — featuring former Alaska gov. Sarah Palin (r) — and is scheduled to be in Washington the next day.

Grass-roots my taut n' perky ass. Say what you want about Answer, and again, who the fuck are they, come on, there is balance here?

And even with all that PR, all that Faux News flogging, all those wingnut celebrity endorsements, they still can't draw more than a sixth of what we got, ordinary Americans who were fed up, only in regards to a pointless and bloody war, and were, you know, proved fucking right.
(via Skippy the Bush Kangaroo)

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