Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Gingrich takes political advice from man who calls Obama 'the Kenyan'
From Media Matters Action:
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich, however, saw no need to correct the record when an audience member at his "Real Job Summit in New Orleans" stood up and referred to President Obama as "the Kenyan."

After the audience squealed with joy at the questioner's birtherism, Gingrich patiently listened to the man's advice. When the man was finished speaking, Gingrich complimented his contribution to the discussion and instructed his staff to take note of the man's ideas.
Insight into the mind of the wingnuts
It comes from the TV game show Family Feud, and a contestant is asked to say things that apply to Ellen Degeneres. Gay? Yes. Funny? Yes. Married to Portia? Yes. Then the father says that "she doesn't like her country very well."
Ellen? Cheery, inoffensive, humorous. Idol-mainstream, all-American, beloved chat show icon, Ellen?
Translation: she's a lesbian and all homosexuals are anti-American.
Sometimes the real view comes seeping out into plain view. On national television. That guy voted for Palin. You know it.

From Crooks and Liars:
Breitbart loses bet; blames Black Caucus for racial slurs
Remember when Andrew Breitbart swore no racist slurs were hurled at the Congressional Black Caucus the day of the health care vote? He sneered at the possibility that any teabagger had behaved in a racist or inappropriate fashion just before he promised to donate $100,000 to the United Negro College Fund if he was proven wrong.
Seems to me the video up above is pretty clear and convincing evidence of spitting, racism and hate, and it seems Breitbart thinks so, too. Now that he can't deny it happened, he's choosing to blame John Lewis et al for walking through the group of angry teabaggers.
In truly despicable fashion, Breitbart let Hannity's audience know how outraged he was at the unfairness of it all:
BREITBART: The very act of the Black Congressional Caucus, walking through the tea party people while holding all those videos was an act of provocation. They need this desperately and one last thing. The language that Nancy Pelosi is using about the civil rights movement, comparing the unpopular health care bill to the civil rights movement ties into this… They’re all on the talking points, basically telling black people that the white people are trying to take your health care from you. This is a racial, racist, racially divisive strategy that they’re playing that’s very dangerous in the United States.
The noise machine is cranked up to full volume and steaming right ahead. In classic blame-the-victim style, Breitbart suggests that John Lewis and Emanuel Cleaver should have walked around the murmuring mob of nasty white folks rather than through them, because obviously the mere presence of black Congressmen was so inflammatory as to throw all caution (and spit) to the wind.
Never mind that they were walking up stairs to the building where they work as representatives elected by the majority of voters in their districts. That doesn't matter to Andrew Breitbart, because he just cannot stand the unbearable weight of intellectual honesty.
His remarks prove how deeply racist he, and the movement he champions, truly are.

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