Monday, April 12, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe 
A Surge of Hate
This is a season, or perhaps an era, when politics seem more intense than usual, and the domestic extremist threat seems more real. Partisan disputes are rarely pretty, but lately they have taken a particularly ugly, menacing turn. Last week the FBI arrested individuals for making death threats against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Patty Murray of Washington for their votes on health-care reform. A series of expletive-strewn voice-mail messages left for Senator Murray were particularly creepy: "You're gonna have a target on your back for the rest of your life," the caller warned. "How long do you think you can hide?"

Liars and Fools
Michele Bachmann (retard-Minnesota) says that America needs nuclear weapons to deter cyber attacks.
Oh, my, yes - for the inner tubes - by all means! Damn that bitch is so batshit crazy even those who are institutionalized insane think she's crazy.

John Fleming (reject-Louisiana) accuses President Obama of treason.
Said the traitor trying to cast off the spotlight ...

Damn, never thought we'd miss the days of Swill O'Really spewing ignorance and hatred, but ...

Again, learn what those terms actually mean please.

Newt Gingrich (reptile-Georgia) lying says Obama is "the most radical president in American history".
Nope that'd be George Washington as he was the first in a radical new nation succeeding presidents have been less and less radical in relation to the less and less 'radical' the nation became over time.

It's the syphilis, folks, it's the syphilis ... 

 More syphilis talk - that and desire for that young boy in the Donimican Republic that he 'loved' so much the last time he was there.

Governor Bob McDonnell (R-Virginia) panders to the racist neo-Confederate crowd.
Not exactly - Confederate History Month is well over 100 years old

No, that'd be his own demented 'fans'.

Talking into the mirror again I see Lush ol'boy.

Pete Hoekstra (retard-Michigan) says President Obama is guilty of "appeasement" toward Iran
Here again, someone hasn't a clue as to the meaning of a term they are bandying about. 

Faux's Glen Brick, apparently is confused about what net neutrality is, says it's a prelude to "hostile takeover" of America.
Hell, he's just confused period.

Newt Gingrich (reptile-Georgia) blows the racist dog whistle.
Yeah, and ...

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