Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Michelle Bachmann showing her true colors

Liars and Fools
And he should know! We won't go into details, but ...

Spoken like a true traitor and proud NAZI.

Actually, it was Ronald Reagan followed by the idiotic elder shrub and the moronic brain-dead shrub.

Rick Santorum (reptile-Pennsylvania) lies: Obama wants to change America from being a Judeo-Christian nation
We aren't a judeo-christian nation to begin with you perverted imbecile ... you can't change from what you're not.

Tea Partier handjob Victoria Jackson on Obama: Whether he has a birth certificate or not, he's not an American
More so than you, you never were funny bitch (and never will be). So just be bitter quietly.

Here again someone needs a lesson in the definition of the terms they are spouting - that and a modicum of talent for 'playing' homosexual whores on film ... or is he 'playing'?

Michael Savage lies: Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California) is "the most hated woman in American history" and a "monster, arrogant, egotistical, maniacal". 
No, that would be Nancy Reagan you idiot.

Faux's Glenn Brick falsely claims that Obama has said of tea partiers, "You are either with the president, or you're a terrorist". 
Pulling mythological quotes out of your ass again I see, heh, Glen ol'boy.

Paul Ryan (retard-Wisconsin) and Faux's Glen Brick agree that progressivism is "a cancer"
Wrong. A cancer is an abnormal growth of a living cell but of course you would not know that being beyond the cancerous stage and well into the zombie(dead cell) stage.

The Dick at a wingnut rally

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