Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe

Liars and Fools

Nope, that was the shrub and the cabal and before that papa shrub and lil'ronnie raygun.

Faux's Glen Brick lies: White House budget director Peter Orszag admitted a government board would "ration care," links to "death panels"
OK, enough is enough! One bold faced lie after another and he is still not in jail ... why?

Faux's Tucker Carlson lies: Obama is "using racial anxiety", compares Obama not mentioning white voters to "Nixon's Southern Strategy". 
That'd be you boys using racial anxiety - you keep bringing it up. Obama mentions 'voters' - meaning all of them. He does not deliniate voters into 'black', 'hispanic', 'women', 'gay and lesbian' etc., voters like you do.

There you go again a Nazi comparing everything else to a Nazi - Hey you need a new mirror ... the one you're using is cracked.

Rick Perry (reptile-Texas) delusively rants: anti-Obama wingnuts are an "army" that can "take their country back"
Get in line behind the Cherokee, the Shawnee, the Mohawk, the Sioux, the Apache, the Hopi, the Kiowa, the ...

Nope, Hate is under attack - we're tired of it and we aren't going to allow it any longer
We rest our case

Idiot shows his true racist colors

  repugican gubernatorial candidate Tim James joins the fray with an ad about Alabama driver's tests. 
BTW, No you don't - unless you live in the mountains of western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee you do not speak English, you speak the modern language we call English.

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