Friday, April 16, 2010

Meet the new leech

leech's big teeth photo  
Photos via LiveScience
Three years ago, after a young Peruvian girl bathed in a river, she began to experience an odd sensation in the her nose--like something was moving back there... And it turns out there was. After visiting with a local physician about the problem, researchers realized that the girl had inadvertently 'discovered' a rather nasty species of leech, previously unknown to biologists. According to them, the leech is a bit different from other species in that it packs a wallop of a bite with the eight "enormous teeth" that line its single jaw. So, when it came time to name the critter, what did these highly-trained, uneasily fazed biologists decide upon? Well, may we introduce you to the T. rex leech?
Article continues: Freaky Nose Leech Named For Its Enormous Teeth

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