Friday, April 30, 2010

Oklahoma repugicans considering anti-immigrant legislation more draconian than AZ

Oh, My, Yes, because, like, it would be really hard to add Oklahoma to the boycott, you know - it would.
A group of state lawmakers said they will consider filing an immigration bill this session that would be tougher than Arizona’s new law.

Confiscating vehicles driven by illegal immigrants and preventing children from becoming citizens at birth if both their parents are illegal immigrants are proposals being discussed, Rep. Randy Terrill said Thursday.

"The focus is going to be very similar to what Arizona’s done, and we’re going to see if we can’t beef up some of the law enforcement, public safety aspects of cracking down on illegal immigration and rolling up the welcome mat for illegal aliens here in the state of Oklahoma,” said Terrill, R-Moore.

The Arizona law makes it a state crime to be in that state illegally and requires law officers to check documents of people they reasonably suspect to be illegal immigrants.

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