Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pachyderms Have Special Alarm Call To Warn of Buzzing Foes

elephant herd photo
Photo via Kevinzim
It's strange to think that something as big and thick-skinned as an elephant would be scared of bees. But then when we consider how aggressive African bees are, it shouldn't be such a surprise. We know that elephants are wary of bees. In fact, solutions for farmer-elephant conflict have even been devised by leaning on that fear, with fences touting speakers that make bee hive sounds warding off any elephants looking to invade a farmer's crop. However, it turns out that fear is so deeply rooted into elephants that they even have a special warning call that they sound when they run into a hive.
Article continues: Bees Vs Elephants: Pachyderms Have Special Alarm Call To Warn of Buzzing Foes

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