Monday, April 12, 2010

The Recession - experts say, 'For the record, this recession isn’t over yet.'

The unemployment rate is 9.7%, yet repugicans on Capitol Hill continue to block unemployment benefits. The major financial institutions are up to their same old tricks (and making huge profits), yet Senate repugicans are planning a strategy to derail financial reform. They're still playing games with the economy that they helped to ruin. As the repugicans keep playing politics, we get word from the experts on recessions that this one isn't over:
For the record, this recession isn’t over yet.

A committee of economists, charged with determining the official turning points in the nation’s business cycles, certifies the beginnings and ends of recessions. But this time, the committee members say, the evidence is not so easy to decipher.

The committee plans to announce on Monday that it cannot yet declare an end to the recession that began in December 2007, several members indicated on Sunday. Such an acknowledgment is rare in the history of setting dates to business cycles and could affect the behavior of investors and consumers.

Despite a recent uptick in employment and income, the decision of the committee at a meeting on Friday reflects a lingering worry that the economy could turn downward again in a so-called double-dip recession.
Most of us are ready for this recession to be over. But, for Repugicans, they think dragging it out helps their electoral prospects in 2010.

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