Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The State Of The Nation

The State Of The Nation

Marine dad's battle raises thorny questions

A father's fight against the picketers at his son's funeral stirs sympathy — and worries legal experts.  
There are no questions thorny or otherwise - the wingnut picketers are wrong and do not have any rights in this case period!

 votes for bank robber who would be sheriff</a>

A northern Kentucky man who had been convicted of bank robbery has ended his campaign for sheriff of Grant County.The Kentucky Enquirer reported Tuesday that Bill King of Dry Ridge dropped out of the race after the head of the county Democratic Party filed a motion in March to have King’s name removed from the ballot.The state attorney general’s office filed a wrongful registration charge against King and a spokeswoman for the office said his withdrawal doesn’t affect that charge.The newspaper reported King didn’t return its phone calls.

11-year-old girl's 'miracle' rescue

Nadia Bloom spent more than four days alone in an alligator-infested swamp in Florida.  

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