Friday, April 30, 2010

A Tale of Two Frogs

tale of two frogs photo  
Photos via Mundo Gump
For many frogs, it's the worst of times.
Take the Poison dart frog, for example--the most poisonous vertebrae in the world. These tiny frogs contain enough alkaloid poison in their skin to kill around fifteen people, or two adult elephants. Despite this deterrent, these frogs, native to the forests of South America, are being wiped out as their habitat slowly disappears. On the other end of the extreme, there's the Goliath frog of west Africa, the world's largest frog. Humans eating them or taking them as pets, not to mention habitat loss, has dwindled their numbers as well. So is the case for many frog species around the world, which, for various reasons, have seen their populations plummeting in the last few decades.
Article continues: A Tale of Two Frogs for "Save the Frogs" Day

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