Saturday, May 8, 2010

50 Surprising Fashion and Beauty Products Made From Oil That You Probably Use Everyday (Even if You're Green)

With all the news and talk about the Gulf oil spill during the past two weeks, we've (unsurprisingly) been talking a lot about the science behind oil and oil production, the future of energy, and the economics behind the whole shebang. We talk about this stuff a lot anyway, but when you really think about, petroleum pervades almost every single aspect of our lives. It's what we use to power our cars and make machinery go, of course, but it's also seemingly omnipresent in thousands of unsuspecting products we use every day. And for women in particular, petroleum and petroleum-derived byproducts are hiding in some pretty sneaky places.
Article continues: 50 Surprising Fashion and Beauty Products Made From Oil That You Probably Use Everyday (Even if You're Green)

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