Thursday, May 6, 2010

Apparently calling someone a "teabagger" is as bad as calling someone a nigger

The term "tea-bagger" is like uttering the "n" word, the tea-baggers whine.

To quote the tea-bagging whores at the Washington Post ... "Though he aspires to promote civility, evidence has surfaced that President Obama has added "tea-bagger" to his public lexicon, though it's considered a cheap and tawdry insult by "tea party" activists."
Tea-bagger agitators you mean to say.

This is just another veiled way for them to say they want the 'nigger' out of the White House.

And just for you edification the term nigger applies to a lazy, shiftless, dishonest, and both ignorant and dumb person - (a description of every tea-bagger I have had the unfortunate misery to encounter both in person and via all media sources combined.) So, if the terms tea-bagger and nigger are synonymous, well ...

Or as another put it:

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