Thursday, May 20, 2010

As The World Turns

As The World Turns
The country widens its crackdown on Internet sites that it deems offensive to Islam. 
Wonder how much longer our Pakistani readers will be able to read us?

New photocopy rules introduced in Tibet
People in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa will have to register their names if they want to make photocopies. City shopkeepers say the authorities are particularly concerned about material printed in Tibetan.

This appears to be an attempt to prevent ordinary people from printing political pamphlets and other documents. It suggests the security forces still have a tight grip on the city, two years after serious riots.

Individuals wanting to photocopy documents will have to show their ID cards and have the information recorded. Companies will have to register their names and addresses, the number of copies they want and provide the name of the manager in charge of the work.

The police say they will carry out checks and punish any shop that does not abide by the new regulation.

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