Sunday, May 23, 2010

Culinary DeLites

Culinary DeLites
Don’t get sucked into purchasing "gourmet" frozen vegetables and pricey bottled water.  
australian farmers market photo
Organic farmer's market in Australia. Photo by avlxyz via Flickr

Wondering how to green your summer vacation? Seeking healthy places to stay, eat, and visit? Here's a one-stop guide to green smoke-free hotels that don't use toxic cleaning products, and organic eateries from restaurants and delis to groceries serving organic foods, location of local farmers markets, and even pesticide-free parks. No more excuses while on the road to resort to a fast food chain -- or starve. You can hit the road (even the freeways) and eat well thanks to the Organic Travel online source:

Article continues: Organic Tourism Guide: How to Eat Well On the Road

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