Monday, May 10, 2010

Has British Petroleum Opened Another Door To Carboniferous Hell?

door to hell photo
Darvaz: The Door to Hell, a drilling project gone wrong - collapsed natural gas dome burning 35 years in Uzbekistan. 
Image credit:English Russia blog
People have a hard time accepting the fact that oil and gas deep in the earth is of biotic origin: pressure-stored plant material from the Carboniferous. So much so that there are crackpot alternate theories about extraterrestrial origin. And, of course, there's always 'God put it there for us.' (Too scary for them, perhaps, to accept a constantly-changing planet, of colliding plates floating over a uranium core that's decaying and keeping the ground above warm?)
How do oil and gas company field employees think about the earth? When they instigate a blowout or gas dome collapse (as pictured above), especially, are they thinking 'door to hell' and 'end times' or are they thinking 'decayed fern gas' and 'lost money?' Even more interesting would be to learn what portion of them are climate science deniers.
Article continues: Has British Petroleum Opened Another Door To Carboniferous Hell?

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