Friday, May 14, 2010

In Albania, 750,000 Bunkers Converted Into Hotels, Cottages, and Bars With Gorgeous Views

mushroom bunkers converted photo inside
Mushroom hotel room- credit Abitare
Albania's Enver Hoxha ruled from 1945 to 1985 and towards the end made North Korea's Kim Jong-il look normal. Being a bit paranoid, he constructed an extraordinary three quarters of a million mushroom-shaped bunkers. That presents a lot of opportunity for creative re-purposing and reuse.

Fabrizio Gallanti of Abitare
shows some of the more interesting ones; some have been turned into restaurants, used for making wine, and even a sustainable eco-resort.
Article continues: In Albania, 750,000 Bunkers Converted Into Hotels, Cottages, and Bars With Gorgeous Views

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