Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In Matters Of Health

In Matters Of Health
White House speeding up implementation of new benefits under health care reform bill
Good. And damn smart of them to do so. While the bill that passed was so watered down it was pathetic, it does contain some provisions that will be helpful to people. The administration needs to get those rolling asap, and it seems they got the message.
President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies are using the levers of government to speed up and promote what they consider the most popular aspects of the new health care law before a highly skeptical public passes judgment in November.

Top administration officials, who meet regularly with outside special interest groups to coordinate the public relations effort, have so far focused on expediting and amplifying four key areas of the new law: expanding coverage to young adults, covering sick people with pre-existing conditions or high medical costs, providing tax breaks to small businesses and helping a select group of seniors pay for prescription drugs.

In one case, the administration moved so quickly to provide coverage to young adults under their parents’ health plan that it cut short the conventional period for the public to weigh in on the new rule.

In another, it used taxpayer money to alert small businesses that they will get a break on this year’s taxes.

Both are perfectly legal but also politically beneficial.

What if you could get rid of fat without surgery? You can make your love handles disappear without pills. You can literally freeze your "behind" off.

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