Thursday, May 20, 2010

Indiana Souder and the Temple of Abstinence

Via Skippy:
I present a video made by Mark Souder, the repugican congressional representative from Indiana who resigned a day or so ago when it was revealed that he had an affair with a member of his staff. the topic of the video is "abstinence education". Souder, the congressman who cheated on his wife, is a big proponent of abstinence education. The person "interviewing" him in the video is Tracy Jackson. "Why is that relevant?", you might ask. "It is relevant," I might answer, "because Tracy Jackson is Souder's mistress." One feels a palpable irony while watching this video, especially since, as interviews go, this one is a real handjob, which is understandable given the relationship between interviewer and interviewee.

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