Thursday, May 13, 2010

Its Only The Environment After All

Its Only The Environment After All
After the first dome failed, crews hope a smaller unit can siphon the gushing oil leak in the gulf.
Numerous equipment and procedural problems caused the Gulf catastrophe, new documents show.
Congressional committee report on BP oil spill - even worse than expected
You have to wonder if BP did much of anything right after reading these lowlights. It also seems obvious that BP had very little concern about maintaining proper safety if they were so far off in so many places. Being cozy with government may help run a campaign but when it comes to safety and the rest of us, it's completely off.
A senior House Democrat said that the blowout preventer that failed to stop an oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico had a dead battery in its control pod, leaks in its hydraulic system, a "useless" test version of one of the devices that was supposed to close the flow of oil and a cutting tool that wasn't strong enough to shear through joints that made up 10 percent of the drill pipe.

In a devastating review of the blowout preventer that BP said was supposed to be "fail-safe," Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) said in a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday that the device was anything but fail-safe.

And now for something other than the oil spill:
Follow the volcanic ash cloud
An interesting map of where the Iceland volcano's ash cloud was yesterday and where they expect it to be today in Europe. Everyone is still bracing themselves for much more trouble in the coming months. It would be unusual to only see Eyjafjallajokull erupting. If the much larger neighbor blows as many expect, then it could get considerably worse.

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