Friday, May 21, 2010

It's Only The Environment After All

It's Only The Environment After All
EPA tells BP to use less toxic chemicals in Gulf leak
About bloody time the administration is taking charge of this mess. It's been embarrassing and disappointing to see Obama give away so much power to the slimy company who caused this problem in the first place. Outside of BP, nobody really cares what is good for BP. They do care about what is good for the US and the environment.
The Environmental Protection Agency informed BP officials late Wednesday that the company has 24 hours to choose a less-toxic form of chemical dispersants to break up its oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, according to government sources familiar with the decision, and must apply the new form of dispersants within 72 hours of submitting the list of alternatives.

The move is significant, because it suggests federal officials are now concerned that the unprecedented use of chemical dispersants could pose a significant threat to the Gulf of Mexico's marine life. BP has been using two forms of dispersants, Corexit 9500A and Corexit 9527A, and so far has applied 600,000 gallons on the surface and 55,000 underwater.
In the best case, the oil could fill enough gallon milk jugs to stretch from New York to DC and back.  

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