Friday, May 7, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe 
Teabaggers plan tea party on September 11

Liars and Fools
Faux's Glen Brick says again that the feds are going to kill him.
Calling all cars, calling all cars: the lunatic is on the loose again, that is all.

Former FEMA Director Michael Brown, who famously ignored Hurricane Katrina, says Obama let oil gusher get worse on purpose, for political reasons.
Nope, that was your shtick ... oh, and by the way how'd that turn out?

Jan Brewer (reptile-Arizona) decries "hysteria" over immigration law, then calls illegal immigration "terrorism".
Snake speak with forked tongue as the used to say in the old Western Serials.

Attendees at wingnut Heritage event applaud the idea that Obama is a "domestic enemy".
A group of NAZIs cheering about projecting themselves on others, now where have we heard that one before ... ah, yes, Nuremberg, Germany sometime between 1932 and 1945 if memory is correct. (then again after 1945 but that's a different story)

Faux's Glen Brick says "now might be a good time" for enemies to attack US because country is vulnerable.
Only in his deluded mind is the nation vulnerable.

Ultra-wingnut aggitators James Dobson and Franklin Graham warn that christians' rights are being eroded in America.
Nope, wrong again, special unwarranted privileges, maybe but not rights. 

CNBC's Stuart Varney says government handling of NYC bombing is "an attempt to demonize white males, tea party people ... wingnuts".
Wrong, they do a bang up job of it themselves, there is no need to assist them in the process.

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