Monday, May 10, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe

After upending a wingnut repugican senator, tea party agitators set their sights on a key mid-May primary.  

Faux's Glen Brick lies: "Labor unions, communists, radical organizations" want to "overthrow" America, control earth "under one government".
He's channeling Eugene McCarthy now folks ... even Hitler won't talk to him any more.

Lush Dimbulb lies: "fraud" is the "primary electoral victory mechanism" for Democrats.
Nope, Lush that'd be the repugicans wholly owning those tactics.

John Boehner (reptile-Ohio) lies: Obama has no "real comprehensive" terrorism strategy, and has merely gotten "lucky" in preventing terrorist attacks.
Well, if by getting 'lucky' catches them before they pull off their 'attacks' by all means lets have a 'comprehensive plan' in place and let them slip through our fingers after they have pulled off their attacks.
(I'd go with 'lucky' if I were you bone-head)

Faux News grotesquely smears immigrants by blaming them for over 2,000 deaths annually -- based on wild speculation.
OK, and ...

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