Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Liars and Fools
Faux's Sarah Palin feeds into phony — and dangerous — Obama anti-gun hysteria.
I see where the puppetmasters still have their hands up her ass making her lips move.

Wingnuts claim Kagan is an inexperienced, socialist, Marxist bad driver who hates the military and wants to steal your guns.
I just bet they do - then again reality isn't a strong suit of theirs now is it.

Newt Gingrich (reptile-Georgia) lies: the Democrats' "secular-socialist machine represents as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union once did".
We kicked NAZI ass (and they're still pissed about that by the way - only today they are known as repugicans) so they weren't that much of a threat now were they. As for the Soviets ... they never were a threat.

Faux's Sarah Palin lies: "It scares us then when we see this road that America is on towards some socialist policies".
We're on the road away from socialist policies and the wingnuts don't like it one bit. In a word ...Tough.

Lush Dimbulb lies: Holder and Obama share the same "values" as radical Islamists.
Nope, that'd be you, you asshole. You need to stop talking into the mirror - it's a sign of mental illness you know.

Lush Dimbulb lies: "Do you think the [Obama] regime cares about American human rights right now? Not in the slightest".
Again, speaking into the mirror ... time for the Thorazine again, Lush.

LunaticMichael Savage lies: Elena Kagan is "a New York City radical, Marxist lawyer through and through.".
So, how's that being banned from more and more countries going for ya, moron? This idiot has less of a grip on reality than does some of the other wingunts - and they have none whatsoever.

On Glen Brick's hate radio show,  Newt Gingrich (retard-Georgia) lies: Obama admin. is trying to "end ... America as it has been for the last 400 years".
No, that would be the repugican party since their inception and they don't like the fact Americans won't let them. 

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