Tuesday, May 25, 2010

News of the positive sort

News of the positive sort
John Rheinberger began his ambitious effort to see the world more than 35 years ago.
The mother of Sarah Shourd reveals how Shane Bauer proposed to her daughter while in jail. 

Outdoor Foundation Report 2010 Wonder photo
Photo: Kennan Harvey for Outdoor Industry Association
The US Outdoor Foundation have just released their Outdoor Recreation Participation report and the results, whilst not stupendous, are at least encouraging. Participation in "core" outdoor sports and activities was seen to have increased 3.3% from 97.5 million to 100.7 million Americans ages 6 and above. For example, day hiking remained strong, with 32.6 million participants, though overnight backpacking did exhibit a small drop. However general camping increased almost 2%.
The activity with one of the most significant increase was snowshoeing, which recorded a jump of 17.4% from 2.9 million to 3.4 million. (And from a treehuggery point of view it is exciting to note that snowmobiling was the only monitored winter sport to show a decline.)

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