Friday, May 7, 2010

Pew Survey: 70% Of Americans Have Financial Problems, Up 9% from 2009. Meanwhile, Congress Ignores Unemployment Crisis.

Susie Madrak had this to say over at Crooks and Liars:

If I had a dollar for every person I've met in the past few weeks who believes the Dems just added another tier of unemployment checks, we wouldn't even need a Tier 5. I hate to sound like a broken record, but it still astounds me that Democrats are saying there's "no political will" to add another tier of unemployment benefits, that they're not hearing "any popular support" for spending the money.
That's because people think that's what Congress just passed, you morans. Are the Congressional Dems really that stupid and out of touch? Yes, they are. And they'll pay for it dearly in the mid-terms. And you know what? They deserve whatever happens if they let all these despairing people fall off the unemployment rolls.
From The Pew Foundation:
Americans are united in the belief that the economy is in bad shape (92% give it a negative rating), and for many the repercussions are hitting close to home. Fully 70% of Americans say they have faced one or more job or financial-related problems in the past year, up from 59% in February 2009. Jobs have become difficult to find in local communities for 85% of Americans. A majority now says that someone in their household has been without a job or looking for work (54%); just 39% said this in February 2009. Only a quarter reports receiving a pay raise or a better job in the past year (24%), while almost an equal number say they have been laid off or lost a job (21%).
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