Friday, May 21, 2010

Polish taxi driver relies on 'yap-nav'

Taxi driver Andrzej Szymcakowi has turned off his sat-nav after discovering that when it comes to getting from A to B without paws, his pet Yorkshire Terrier really is man's best friend.

Two-year-old Bobo - who has accompanied Andrzej, 65, in his cab in Lodz, Poland, since he was a pup - has learned every shortcut and rat-run in the book.

Now he barks instructions to his owner whenever a customer gives them an address. "He yaps and raises his right paw to show we should turn right, his left paw for left, and barks and wags his tail for straight on.

"He recognizes all the routes and tells me which way to go before the GPS does," said proud Andrzej.

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