Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The State Of The Nation

The State Of The Nation
Races in three states will provide clues to how the political landscape is shaping up. 
Texas teacher singles out Latino student during SB-1070 discussion, says Mexicans always ‘expect handouts.’
Si, se puede fire your racist ass:
Ortiz, who was wearing a jersey from a Mexican soccer team, said the teacher told him to sit in the front row. She proceeded to single him out repeatedly, Ortiz said, pointing at him as she made comments like, “The Mexicans with their attitudes are the racist ones.” Continuing to point at Ortiz, she allegedly told the class that Mexicans always “expect handouts” and “soon it’s going to be the United States of Mexico,” according to Ortiz. [...]

Another student in the class that day, Reina Mondragon, 18, corroborated Ortiz’s story. “The kind of discussion that we had on Thursday, May 6, wasn’t like the discussions that we normally have,” she said, adding the teacher questioned why documents in the United States frequently are translated into Spanish and whether Mexicans should be allowed to own land in this country.
Where do this morons come from ... really - seriously - where?!

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