Sunday, May 16, 2010

Upping the cute factor

After 13 years dog returns to family - Possibly
There are still doubts in Terry Horne's mind as to whether or not the dog that came limping into her yard, is the same dog that went missing 13 years ago. Simba was just 8 months old when the Horne's came home from church and their beloved puppy had vanished.

Weeks spent searching turned into months. Simba turned into a cherished memory. But only a few weeks ago, an emaciated and flea-ridden red Siberian Husky came into the yard. Horne called her husband and asked could it be?

The dog has been to the vet and cleaned up quite nicely. He sits in the same spots Simba used to sit in. He loves to give kisses. He's the most gentle dog you'd ever want to meet. But he's been missing 13 years. What happened? Where was he? Is it even him?

All these questions are irrelevant when Terry looks over at the dog sprawled out in a shade-spot. "I think he looks happy, don't you?"

There's a longer story with another video here.

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