Tuesday, May 4, 2010

US High schools ban naked weigh-ins for wrestling

No more naked weigh-ins in high school wrestling, not in this age of cell-phone cameras and easy access to the Internet. Among wrestling rules changes approved last week by the National Federation of State High School Associations is that starting next season competitors must weigh in wearing “suitable” undergarments.

That means something covering the buttocks, groin and (in the case of girls) the breasts. “The concern is technology. We’re getting into cell phones getting into weigh-in areas. It’s a privacy thing,” said Bob Colgate, assistant director of the Indianapolis-based association.

This is going to pay hell with some making their weight class - nude weigh-ins were so that wrestlers would not be forced to wrestle in a higher weight class in the first place. A wrestler weighing a true weight of 158 pounds would weigh at least 160 clothed in a minimal amount of cloth and therefore have to wrestle at the 160 pound weight class instead of the 150 pound weight class ... while the difference isn't much between the 150 and 160 pound weight class, it means a hellvua lot between 200 pounds and the unrestricted weight class ... 201 pounds against 300 pounds and someone is gonna get hurt (and it won't be the 300 pound wrestler).

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