Saturday, June 26, 2010

£10,000 compensation given to worker who told boss to f**k off

A sacked factory worker yesterday won at least £10,000 compensation after telling a foreman to "f*** off". Machine operator Keith Bodman, 45, lost his job for swearing even though his workmates had only had written warnings for misconduct.

The shop steward, who said he had a 16-year clean work record, claimed he was singled out by bosses. He said: "I'm not proud of the language I used. But the factory floor was a very male environment. I never thought I'd end up losing my job, especially as colleagues only got written warnings for worse."

The Unite union said a "culture of foul language" existed at the Yuasa Battery factory in Ebbw Vale, South Wales. Local co-ordinator Bryan Godsell insisted Mr Bodman, from Blackwood, reacted after bosses quizzed him over his private life.

Yuasa Battery (UK) Ltd settled an undisclosed five-figure sum out of court after Mr Bodman took them to an employment tribunal. A spokesman denied the firm singled him out.

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