Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Arctic Ice Cover at Lowest Point in Past Several 1000 Years + Arctic Autumn Will Be Ice-Free This Decade

arctic ice photo
photo: US Geological Survey via flickr
Two pieces on Arctic ice which are worth paying attention to today: 1) Via Climate Progress, Wieslaw Maslowski of the Naval Postgraduate School has presented some new research showing how autumn in the Arctic is likely to be ice-free by the end of this decade and perhaps much sooner--either option is well ahead of the 2007 IPCC report projections; and, 2) In case you had any doubt about melting ice in the Arctic, a team of scientists led by Leonid Polyak from Ohio State University have re-examined data from past on ongoing studies and have found that Arctic ice cover is at the lowest point for at least several thousand years.
Article continues: Arctic Ice Cover at Lowest Point in Past Several 1000 Years + Arctic Autumn Will Be Ice-Free This Decade

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