Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gee, why are so many people so angry with incumbents this year?

Jim Yeager posted this over at Skippy:

It's a real friggin' mystery:
Congress headed home Thursday for a four-day break, after failing again to extend jobless benefits for an estimated 325,000 people, fund summer jobs for at-risk youths or help newly laid-off people pay for health care.

"these are really pressing things, and we want congress to stay, but it falls on deaf ears," said Judy Conti of the National Employment Law Project, an advocacy group...
Of course, it's far more complicated than this -- it's never just one thing that sets people off.
But didn't we just have a three-day weekend (at least officially), with the Fourth of July coming up as well?
These m%+#@&f*$k@!s are already going to get nearly all of August off, and they want even more than that to boot?
With unemployment hovering around ten percent (again, at least officially)?

Good luck in November ...

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