Friday, June 4, 2010

In Matters Of Health

In Matters Of Health
A bedtime treat can help speed your metabolism, says one celebrity diet expert.
Knowing tell-tale signs of heat rash can keep you safe while you enjoy the sun.
Diet Debate Obscures Truths About Salt Intake: The salt and food industries have long masked the harmful effects 

Chili Peppers Might Fight Fat: The stuff that makes chili peppers hot, capsaicin, may cause weight loss

Burgers linked to asthma in global study
Why does asthma hate America?
Children who eat a Mediterranean diet have a lower risk of developing asthma, but eating three or more burgers a week is linked to a higher risk, research suggests.

Researchers looked at 50,000 children from 20 countries.

Writing in the journal Thorax, they said eating fruit, vegetables and fish appeared to protect against asthma.

But they said eating burgers could be linked to other unhealthy habits, which may be the real trigger factor.

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